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Cleaning duo to say goodbye to pimples

One of the key elements to ending acne is to do an adequate cleansing routine that regulates sebum and prevents bacteria from accumulating on the surface of the skin, at the same time you should exfoliate little by little to promote the regeneration of the skin. skin, producing new, healthier skin tissue. We recommend using a cleanser that has ingredients such as phytic acid daily and, two or three days a week, using our exfoliating powder as a second cleanser, with ingredients such as gluconolactone. In addition, it contains adzuki beans, whose skin detoxifying power is magnificent.

Products included in the Anti-Acne Cleansing Duo:

- Super Green Poem Gel Cleanser

- Adzuki & Ragi Fantasy Exfoliating and Balancing Powder

Anti-Acne Facial Cleansing Pack

Regular price €68,00
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Entrega 48-72h.
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Cleaning duo to say goodbye to pimples

One of the key elements to ending acne is to do an adequate cleansing routine that regulates sebum and prevents bacteria from accumulating on the surface of the skin, at the same time you should exfoliate little by little to promote the regeneration of the skin. skin, producing new, healthier skin tissue. We recommend using a cleanser that has ingredients such as phytic acid daily and, two or three days a week, using our exfoliating powder as a second cleanser, with ingredients such as gluconolactone. In addition, it contains adzuki beans, whose skin detoxifying power is magnificent.

Products included in the Anti-Acne Cleansing Duo:

- Super Green Poem Gel Cleanser

- Adzuki & Ragi Fantasy Exfoliating and Balancing Powder

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Mi hijo nota la diferencia

Tengo un hijo de 14 años con un acné brutal. No sabéis la diferencia desde que hace la rutina de limpieza.

Lo de este polvo es otro nivel

Lo compré porque mi hija tiene acné, pero lo usamos todos en casa y es la bomba. El gel huele de maravilla.

Mari Carmen
Muy bien

Me daba miedo esto del polvo pero la verdad que noto que me ha equilibrado mucho la piel

Vaya nombres!

Es cierto que me cuesta aprenderme un poco vuestros nombres, pero me da igual porque me encanta todo lo que estoy probando.

Adiós granitos

Noto que ya no me salen ni la mitad y puede ser que incluso se me hayan quitado algunas manchitas?